





Curiculum Vitae


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2010 - 2012

Coordinator Erasmus Mundus Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

2009 - 2012

Coordinator European Master in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL) Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, The Netherlands • Working closely with the university staff, administration and the students to gain better services during the admission, teaching, examination, evaluation and graduation processes. • Implementation of directives of the Netherlands organisation for International cooperation in higher education (Nuffic). • Providing pastoral care to students.

2009 - 2011

Lecturer in Neurolinguistics Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, the Netherlands • Development of educational materials, examining and student supervising. • Coordinator, lecturer and/ or teaching assistant of: o Neurolinguistics I: Presentation of various topics in Aphasiology, Dyslexia and Developmental Language disorders. o Assessment Tools in Language Pathologies: Discussion of the development, use and evaluation of tests in Aphasia, Developmental Language Disorders & Dyslexia. o Hot Topics in Linguistics: Guest lecture series covering a broad range of topics in linguistics presented by researchers from our Linguistics department and from outside the University of Groningen. o Experimental linguistics II: Course covering three themes in psycholinguistics (i.e., semantic activation, serial vs. parallel sentence processing and inferences) and the way experimental data is used to construct models of language processing. o Research Methodology for Applied linguistics: Introduction to the methods and techniques used in Applied Linguistics and training of the basic statistical analyses using SPSS.

2004 - 2009

PhD candidate in Linguistics Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, the Netherlands • Accountable for the life-cycle management of the PhD research project including budgetary control, the implementation of research functions, development of research strategies and data gathering and analysis. • Designing and running behavioural and event related fMRI experiments. • Analyzing fMRI data using SPM under Matlab and SPSS. • Responsible for verbal and written reports on research findings. • Collaborating extensively with (international) colleagues, neuropsychologists and neurologists. • Organizing seminars, workshops and reading groups.

1999 - 2004

Speech and language pathologist Algemeen Ziekenhuis Maria-Middelares-Sint-Jozef, Ghent, Belgium • Responsible for the clinical diagnosis, and treatment of adults with acquired neurological speech and language impairments in a private hospital in Ghent.


Speech and language pathologist Self-employed, Flanders, Belgium • Accountable for diagnosis and individual treatment of children with language and learning disorders, dyscalculia, dyslexia, stuttering, articulation problems and voice disturbances.