





Curiculum Vitae


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Oral Presentations







June 18, 2011 Compensatory cortical activation during reading of sentences in Parkinson’s disease patients compared to healthy subjects: An event related fMRI study Colman, K.S.F., Stowe L.A. & Bastiaanse R. TABU-dag 32, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


September 19, 2009 Sentence comprehension in Parkinson’s disease: an event related fMRI study Colman, K.S.F. Bi-national (Potsdam- Groningen) PhD-Network meeting, Ezinge, The Netherlands


April 4, 2008 Parkinson’s disease: Language deficits and executive functions Colman, K.S.F. BCN PhD Retreat, Odoorn, The Netherlands


March 29, 2008 Zijn taalstoornissen secundair aan cognitieve problemen bij de ziekte van Parkinson? Colman, K.S.F. WAP/VKL Symposium, (Ver)stand van taalzaken: pathologie in theorie en praktijk , Amsterdam, The Netherlands


July 6, 2007 The role of executive functions in sentence comprehension deficits in Parkinson's disease Colman, K.S.F. The comprehension and production disorders workshop, Potsdam, Germany


June 8, 2007 Verb processing deficits in Dutch speaking Parkinson’s disease patients Colman, K.S.F. TABU-dag 28, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


May 10, 2007 Verb processing deficits in Parkinson’s disease Colman, K.S.F. , Koerts, J., Post, W., Leenders, K.L., & Bastiaanse, R. Language, Cognition and Parkinson's disease: a Multidisciplinary Meeting, Groningen, The Netherlands


September 19, 2006 Onderzoek naar het begrijpen van zinnen bij patiënten met de ziekte van Parkinson Colman, K.S.F. Neurologie wetenschapsmiddag, UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands


June 27, 2006 The role of cognitive mechanisms in sentence comprehension in Dutch speaking Parkinson’s disease patients: preliminary data Colman, K.S.F. , Koerts, J., van Beilen, M., Bastiaanse, R. & Leenders, K.L. Psycholinguitics in Flanders, Ghent, Belgium


Poster Presentations







May 8, 2008 The contribution of cognitive mechanisms to verb production in Dutch speaking Parkinson's disease patients Colman, K. S. F., Koerts, J., Leenders, K. L., Post, W. J., & Bastiaanse, R. The Attentive Speaker Workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


October 23, 2007 The contribution of cognitive mechanisms to verb production in Dutch speaking Parkinson's disease patients Colman, K. S. F., Koerts, J., Leenders, K. L., Post, W. J., & Bastiaanse, R. Academy of Aphasia, Washington DC, US February 1, 2007 No deficit in the production of the past tense of regular verbs in Dutch patients with Parkinson’s disease Colman, K. S. F., Koerts, J., Leenders, K. L., & Bastiaanse, R. BCN New Year’s meeting Groningen, The Netherlands


October 16, 2006 The role of cognitive mechanisms in sentence comprehension in Dutch speaking Parkinson’s disease patients: preliminary data Colman, K. S. F., Koerts, J., Van Beilen, M., Leenders, K. L., & Bastiaanse, R. Academy of Aphasia, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada


June 13, 2006 The role of cognitive mechanisms in sentence comprehension in Dutch speaking Parkinson’s disease patients: preliminary data Colman, K. S. F., Koerts, J., Van Beilen, M., Leenders, K. L., & Bastiaanse, R. International Congress on Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


January 26, 2006 Language sequential processing in Dutch speaking Parkinson’s disease patients: a survey Colman, K. S. F., Bastiaanse, R. & Leenders, K.L. BCN New Year’s meeting Groningen, The Netherlands


October 19, 2004 Word order and finiteness in Parkinson’s disease: A comparison with Broca’s aphasia Colman, K.S.F. & Bastiaanse, R. NWO Cognition Summerschool, From Stimulus to Understanding in Language and Perception, Doorwerth, The Netherlands


September 18, 2004 Word order and finiteness in Parkinson’s disease: A comparison with Broca’s aphasia Colman, K.S.F. & Bastiaanse, R. Science of Aphasia 5, Potsdam, Germany