





Curiculum Vitae


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Courses in Neurolinguistics

Coordinator, lecturer and/ or teaching assistant of:


o Neurolinguistics I & II: Introduction and topics on advanced level in Clinical Aphasiology, Developmental Language Disorders and Developmental Dyslexia.


o Assessment Tools in Language Pathologies: Discussion of the development, use and evaluation of tests in Aphasia, Developmental Language Disorders & Dyslexia.


o Hot Topics in Linguistics: Programming and coordination of guest lecture series covering a broad range of topics in linguistics presented by researchers from our Linguistics department and from outside the University of Groningen.


o Experimental linguistics II: Teaching assistance in course covering three themes in psycholinguistics (i.e., semantic activation, serial vs. parallel sentence processing and inferences) and the way experimental data is used to construct models of language processing.


o Research Methodology for Applied linguistics: Introduction to the methods and techniques used in Applied Linguistics and training of the basic statistical analyses using