
In these page's we've presented you several items, and ofcourse this is only a small selection from the data which we have gathered till now. It's necessary to use a computer to distinguish between the almost 500 Slingses in past and present. Furthermore we have more than 180 other surnames in our database.

But in a way, we're only just at the beginning of our research: we have mainly gathered socalled primary data (dates of baptism, marrying and burial). The data which are far more interesting are the secondary data (such as profession, house, furniture, contacts with notary or the law). They help to make ones familyhistory really interesting.

For that reason our research is still going on. We will regularly report about our results. These pages are an electronic version of the first report.

We are really appreciating your reactions with remarks or additions. You can write them to

Thank you very much for your interest.